My New Directions
My New Directions is an OptiHealth Program assignment for each week. On your New Directions worksheet (linked below), you are challenged to select a new (or modify an old) therapeutic lifestyle change that you are willing to implement for the next 7 days. After a sincere trial, you will be encouraged to incorporate that change into your lifestyle to whatever degree is most beneficial to you as you continue along your journey towards your optimal health.
Remember, you can start with a minor change and advance as you are willing and able, or you can commit big and power your way through to achieve your goal as quickly as possible -- or you can choose a course anywhere in between and adjust your course as you go. The most important choice for success is to start and keep moving in the New Direction that is right for you.
Use the same printed copy of the worksheet (linked above) for the duration of your OptiHealth Program. Each Sunday, fill-in the New Directions that you are willing to do for the coming week of your program regarding each of the 4 components of your program.
If you have a particular need or special situation, contact your OptiHealth Coach to help you select or modify or even create a different New Direction (than what are suggested) that would work better for you.
If you have a particular need or special situation, contact your OptiHealth Coach to help you select or modify or even create a different New Direction (than what are suggested) that would work better for you.
New Direction Suggestions
New Directions for My Nutrition component:
- I will eat at least ____ additional serving(s) of a WPF (fruit, veggie, whole grain/starch) at ___breakfast, ___lunch, ___dinner.
- I will eat at least ____ less serving(s) of a Non-WPF (meat/dairy/oil/processed food) at ___breakfast, ___lunch, ___dinner.
- I will eat ___25%, ___33%, ___50% smaller Non-WPF servings than usual at ___breakfast, ___lunch, ___dinner.
- I will not consume a caloric beverage with my ___breakfast, ___lunch, ___dinner. (small glass of water, if needed, instead)
New Directions for My Exercise component:
- I will exercise (walk) for at least ______ minutes immediately after ___breakfast, ___lunch, ___dinner.
- I will exercise between meals for at least ______ minutes each ___morning, ___afternoon, ___ evening.
- I will increase my exercise time by walking at least _____ minutes longer than usual.
- I will increase my exercise intensity by walking at least _____ meters farther than usual (in the same amount of time).
- I will toggle between ______ strides walking and ______ strides jogging during my usual exercise time.
New Directions for My Lifestyle component:
- I will get at least ____ hours of restful sleep each night, which is ______ minutes more than my usual amount.
- I will go to bed at ____:____, which is ______ minutes earlier than my usual time.
- I will wake up at ____:____, which is ______ minutes earlier than my usual time.
- I will plan and eat a healthy breakfast on ___Sun, ___Mon, ___Tue, ___Wed, ___Thu, ___Fri, ___Sat.
- I will plan and eat ___breakfast, ___lunch, ___dinner at regular times every day (+/- 1 hour, 4-5 hours apart).
- I will spend _____ fewer minutes for my ___breakfast, ___lunch, ___dinner in order to make more time for exercise.
- I will not snack between ___ breakfast/lunch, ___lunch/dinner, ___dinner/breakfast.
- I will fast for a minimum of ___10, ___12, ___14 hours between dinner and breakfast every night.
New Directions for My Faith component:
- I will be more intentional about praying throughout the day by keeping a Prayer Log ____ times each day.
- I will read a devotional ___ upon awakening, ___upon going to bed.
- I will read a devotional during at least ___breaks at work/school every day.
- I will read a devotional ___before, ___after ___breakfast, ___lunch, ___dinner.
- I will invite my family to listen to one of my favorite devotional readings each ___morning, ___evening.
- I will wake up at least ____ minutes earlier on ___Mon, ___Tue, ___Wed, ___Thu, ___Fri to do a Bible Study.
- I will do the Forgiveness Exercise every ___morning, ___evening.
- I will do the Gratitude Exercise every ___morning, ___evening.
Go to your OptiHealth Club's Home Page to submit your weekly New Directions Report. (Click My Account and select #1.)