Health Ministry Course
Free Primer Hand-OutThis short compilation of selected E.G. White quotes makes a powerful case for every member of the SDA Church to engage in health ministry as the right-arm of the Gospel.
Click on the photo or title to download and print this 2-page hand-out. |
Free Online TextbookThe Ministry of Healing by Ellen G. White is her crowning health volume and was declared by her to "contain the wisdom of the Great Physician." Healthful living is here portrayed as a balanced, reasonable, sensible kind of program involving both the mind and the body. It maintains health and aids in recovery from illness. The Creator's plan for a healthful, abundant life is outlined in a practical way that all can use.
Click on the photo or title to access the online edition OR click here to purchase a printed book. |
Free Study GuidePrepared under the auspices of the Ellen G. White Estate and the General Conference Department of Health, this 12-lesson study guide helps the student acquire and apply "the wisdom of the Great Physician."
Click on the photo or title to download and print this 29-page study guide. |
The Healing Power of Fporgiveness