Diabetes Undone
As a certified Sports Medicine Technician, you can refer your clients with Type 2 Diabetes to our online workshop.
Follow the instructions below to become a Facilitator of our workshop for your clients.
- Visit the Diabetes Undone website to learn about the workshop, but don't jump ahead and buy into your own workshop. Instead, work with us for no set-up fee and start earning commissions immediately.
- Sign-up as a participant in the OptiHealth Network Online Workshop. Use our case-sensitive Code: FNUAJ8 to create an account and enroll for free ($99 value).
- Download and save to your computer the online version of the Facilitator's Guide.
- Log in to the Workshop every day for 8 days and view all the videos in each of the 8 Sessions. (1 Session/day x 8 days, each session is about 1 hour, finish the workshop within 2 weeks. You'll have access to the workshop for 1 year., but you can continue as a Facilitator.)
- Let your clients and your community know that you are a Diabetes Undone Facilitator.
- Meet with the individuals who are interested in the online workshop and complete a Diabetes TLC Consultation Request for each one.
- Follow-up with your potential new client in 4-7 days to see if they enrolled and set a follow-up appointment, by which time they should be finished with the online workshop.
- Meet with your potential new client to assess their motivation regarding therapeutic lifestyle change and offer them personal TLC support services in the areas of nutrition and exercise.
Your supervising Sports Medicine Specialist will contact your potential client and conduct the Diabetes TLC Consultation (as you requested in #6 above). Your supervising Sports Medicine Specialist will recommend the online Diabetes Undone Workshop for your potential client, if indicated, and will offer it at the discounted price of $79. If your potential client enrolls in the workshop, you'll earn a 50% commission ($35, after expenses), plus the opportunity to provide the follow-up Diabetes TLC Support Services (basic nutrition and fitness training) of their choice. The best part is that you'll have an informed and motivated client, and you'll keep 100% of your professional fees.