Weekly Nutrition Assessment
This 5-minute nutrition assessment will estimate the percent of calories that you got from whole plant foods over the past week. Your answers to these 12 questions will enable you to estimate your overall pattern of eating and will also make it clear what you can do to improve your health by consuming more whole plant foods and less processed foods.
Use this PDF for greater accuracy.
Read carefully, be honest, circle your answers, and add your scores. (1 serving = about 1⁄4 of a plate)
1. Fresh Fruit. Apples, plums, berries, pears... How many daily servings of fruit did you eat last week? (Fruit juice does not count.)
2. Whole Vegetables. Broccoli, spinach, squash, asparagus... How many daily servings of veggies did you eat last week?
3. Whole Starch Foods. Potatoes (not French fries), grains, beans... How many daily servings of these types of food did you eat last week?
4. Omega-3s. Do you get all you need last week from whole plant sources? (chia seeds, walnuts, ground flaxseed, soy)
5. Dairy Foods. How many days last week did you eat dairy foods like cheese, yogurt, and ice cream?
6. Dairy Liquids (milk, cream). How many days last week did you drink it or add it to cereal or coffee? (Soy does not count.)
7. Eggs. How many days last week did you eat eggs or foods like French toast, where eggs are the primary ingredient?
8. Added Sugars. Were you serious last week about minimizing the “added” sugars that are so prevalent in most processed foods?
9. White Flour Foods. Bread, pasta, cakes, cookies. How would you describe your consumption level of these foods last week?
10. Salty Snacks, and Sweets. Chips, popcorn, soda, candy...How would you describe your consumption level of these foods last week?
11. Meat, Poultry, Fish. How many days last week did you eat any kind of meat? (pork, beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, fish, shrimp, lard)
12. Vegetable Oil. How many days last week did you consume oil (olive, canola, corn, avocado), butter, and salad dressings?
- None = 0
- 1 = +6
- 2-3 = +12
- 4+ = +14
2. Whole Vegetables. Broccoli, spinach, squash, asparagus... How many daily servings of veggies did you eat last week?
- None = 0
- 1=. +6
- 2-3 = +12
- 4+ =. +14
3. Whole Starch Foods. Potatoes (not French fries), grains, beans... How many daily servings of these types of food did you eat last week?
- None = 0
- 1 =. +6
- 2-3 = +12
- 4+ = +14
4. Omega-3s. Do you get all you need last week from whole plant sources? (chia seeds, walnuts, ground flaxseed, soy)
- No =. 0
- Unsure = 0
- Likely = +1
- Yes =. +2
5. Dairy Foods. How many days last week did you eat dairy foods like cheese, yogurt, and ice cream?
- Zero = 0
- 1-2 = -3
- 3-5 =. -5
- 6-7 = -7
6. Dairy Liquids (milk, cream). How many days last week did you drink it or add it to cereal or coffee? (Soy does not count.)
- Zero = 0
- 1-2 = -1
- 3-5 =. -3
- 6-7 = -5
7. Eggs. How many days last week did you eat eggs or foods like French toast, where eggs are the primary ingredient?
- Zero = 0
- 1-2 = -2
- 3-5 =. -3
- 6-7 = -4
8. Added Sugars. Were you serious last week about minimizing the “added” sugars that are so prevalent in most processed foods?
- VERY =. 0
- Fairly =. -2
- Not Very = -3
- No = -4
9. White Flour Foods. Bread, pasta, cakes, cookies. How would you describe your consumption level of these foods last week?
- Minimal = 0
- Light = -1
- Medium = -3
- Heavy = -5
10. Salty Snacks, and Sweets. Chips, popcorn, soda, candy...How would you describe your consumption level of these foods last week?
- Minimal = 0
- Light = -1
- Medium = -3
- Heavy = -5
11. Meat, Poultry, Fish. How many days last week did you eat any kind of meat? (pork, beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, fish, shrimp, lard)
- 0-1 = 0 (if that 1 serving was clean meat and not fried)
- 2 = -3
- 3-5 = -6
- 6-7 = -10
12. Vegetable Oil. How many days last week did you consume oil (olive, canola, corn, avocado), butter, and salad dressings?
- 0-1 = 0
- 2 = -2
- 3-5 = -3
- 6-7 = -4
Subtract your Minus Points from your Plus Points to get your Net Points. Use the chart below to determine your WPF Score (%).
WPF Score Chart
Most (65%) of Americans eat a "Standard American Diet" (SDA), which is < 10% of calories from whole plant foods. This eating pattern is very unhealthy resulting in premature disability and death from obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
Another 25% of the U.S. population tries to eat more healthfully, but still consume a diet that is < 20% of calories from whole plant foods. This eating pattern leads to the same chronic diseases, disabilities, and death with only a 5-10 year delay.
Significant prevention of chronic disease is often achieved with a diet > 40% of calories from whole plant foods (Net Points 10+).
A Net Score of 15+ (50% of calories from Whole Plant Foods) can be achieved without necessarily going "vegetarian" (or vegan).
Actual reversal of chronic disease has been demonstrated with diets > 60% of calories from whole plant foods (Net Points 20+).
Your daily food choices make a big difference. The higher your percentile of daily calories from whole plant foods, the more improvements in health, fitness, and longevity you will enjoy - up to 21 extra years and more!
Another 25% of the U.S. population tries to eat more healthfully, but still consume a diet that is < 20% of calories from whole plant foods. This eating pattern leads to the same chronic diseases, disabilities, and death with only a 5-10 year delay.
Significant prevention of chronic disease is often achieved with a diet > 40% of calories from whole plant foods (Net Points 10+).
A Net Score of 15+ (50% of calories from Whole Plant Foods) can be achieved without necessarily going "vegetarian" (or vegan).
Actual reversal of chronic disease has been demonstrated with diets > 60% of calories from whole plant foods (Net Points 20+).
Your daily food choices make a big difference. The higher your percentile of daily calories from whole plant foods, the more improvements in health, fitness, and longevity you will enjoy - up to 21 extra years and more!
"Let thy food be thy medicine." -- Hippocrates (around 400 BC)
...and when you're done eating, Go for a 15-minute walk!
...and when you're done eating, Go for a 15-minute walk!