1. Nutrition
Refer to the resources listed below according to your needs, interests, personal situation, and knowledge base.
- Plant-Based Diets - A Physician’s Guide (for doctors and other healthcare professionals)
In our responses to the questions below, keep in mind that you choose which recommendations to accept -- and to what degree you put a recommendation into practice, as well as which recommendations to reject -- or defer for reconsideration later.
Also understand, although your commitment to a therapeutic lifestyle change was "to the best of your ability," you will not know what your best ability is until you give each of the various recommendations your best effort.
Also understand, although your commitment to a therapeutic lifestyle change was "to the best of your ability," you will not know what your best ability is until you give each of the various recommendations your best effort.
Special Situations
WPF Meal Planning
WPF Grocery Shopping
WPF Cooking
Social Contexts
- Lipids (Fats)
- Carbohydrates
- Protein
- Fiber
- Water
- Water Soluable Vitamins
- Fat Soluable Vitamins
- Minerals
- Phytonutrients
- Probiotics & Prebiotics
Whole Plant Foods
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Whole Grains
- Beans & Legumes
Non-Whole Plant Foods
- Pork, Beef, Chicken, and Fish
- Oils
- Processed Grains
- Cheese, Milk, and Eggs
- Sugar