1. Best Weigh Overview
A PowerPoint of an overview of the Best Weigh Program was presented.
Also, samples of the new Best Weigh Scoring System and Weight Loss Graph were distributed and discussed.
Since then, a need to change our online version of the program has been identified.
Also, samples of the new Best Weigh Scoring System and Weight Loss Graph were distributed and discussed.
Since then, a need to change our online version of the program has been identified.
- The Scoring System will remain the same as outlined on the Best Weigh Score Cards that were distributed.
- However, the weekly Score Card will be revised to include more details about HOW to score your meals and daily activities.
- The new Score Cards will be available at and after the live session on 01/21/25 at Mentone.
- The 13-week Weight Loss Graph will be revised to include a weekly fitness score.
This week's Assignment (1/14 - 1/21)
- If you have not already done so, Download the PDF of the Best Weigh Participant Workbook.
- Practice using the Best Weigh Score Cards, but we will be adding more information to the form.
- The official start date for our group will be Sunday, 02/26/2025.
- I will be asking the group if we can extend the program for the full 10 weeks to be from the new start date. This means we will have live sessions at Mentone each Tuesday until 04/08. Weekly attendance is strongly encouraged, but always voluntary.
- Plan to attend next Tuesday for the "Preparation" session, including a review of the Health Risks of Obesity and information about the Fitness/Exercise component of Best Weigh (I hope Igor will be able to attend).
- We will have a "lab" this next session (1/21) for measuring your weight, waist circumference, and (if you want) your percent body fat (%BF) using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA).
For Your Information...
The needed change for our online version of Best Weigh is in regard to the pre-requisites (on-ramping) of participants. Our first 2 live sessions at Mentone were somewhat confusing/awkward because we had to cover this information "after the fact," even though the participants had already registered for the program. The way the process is supposed to work is described below:
Pre-requisites: (If you click on any of the links below, use your back-arrow to return to this page.)
Pre-requisites: (If you click on any of the links below, use your back-arrow to return to this page.)
- Contemplation - All potential participants in the online Best Weigh program must watch the videos posted on the Contemplation page of OptiHealth Choices before they can register for Best Weigh.
- Pledge - After watching the Contemplation videos, potential participants in Best Weigh must sign the online OptiHealth Pledge.
- Free Account - When a potential participant in Best Weigh submits their online OptiHealth Pledge, an invitation is emailed to them (within 24 hours) that has a link for them to create their free password-protected account as a member of OptiHealth Choices.
- As a member of the OptiHealth Choices online community, potential participants of Best Weigh have access to the Preparation resources involving 5 questions to be answered (of which 4 are currently in effect).
- Members of the OptiHealth Choices online community must complete the 4 (of the 5) Preparation Worksheets which are designed to help them get started with their therapeutic lifestyle change efforts.
- After completing the 4 Preparation Worksheets, members can up-grade their membership for free to access all the free, online Action Stage resources, including an Overview of the new Best Weigh program.
- After watching the Overview video of the Best Weigh program and deciding to participate in it, any Action-stage member of the OptiHealth Choices online community may Register to participate in our online Best Weigh program for free.
- After specifically registering for the Best weigh program, the member of OptiHealth Choices has access to all the online materials and resources of Best Weigh and becomes an "official" participant.
- The first (preliminary) session of Best Weigh is to review, and up-date if necessary, the participant's status regarding each of the items listed the 4 Preparation Worksheets.
This process is needed because Best Weigh is not just a weight loss program, it's a therapeutic lifestyle change (by faith) program, and since it is primarily an online program, participants need to be familiar with the online resources before they start their personalized program.
More enhancements to Best Weigh will be explained as we proceed through the different sessions and as the resources are further developed and made available.
Preview: The really BIG enhancement to the program will be an ON-GOING live, weekly VIRTUAL, "drop-in" Best Weigh support group session, probably on Tuesdays from 6:30-8:30 pm in each time zone, probably using Zoom, that participants can attend at rheir convenience as needed/desired.
More enhancements to Best Weigh will be explained as we proceed through the different sessions and as the resources are further developed and made available.
Preview: The really BIG enhancement to the program will be an ON-GOING live, weekly VIRTUAL, "drop-in" Best Weigh support group session, probably on Tuesdays from 6:30-8:30 pm in each time zone, probably using Zoom, that participants can attend at rheir convenience as needed/desired.
- This will allow people to sign-up any time and from any where.
- There will not be a set "Start Date" for the program. Each participant will set their official start date personally for themselves.
- The program will not be limited to 10 weeks. Each participant may progress at their own pace and convenience.
- Participation (frequency/intensity/duration) in this Therapeutic Lifestyle Change (by faith) program is determined by each participant personally and will remain available to each participant for life.
- Participants that "finish" the program (complete all 13 of the the standardized sessions) are eligible to get certified as an OptiHealth Coach and Best Weigh Facilitator.